Православље у Јужној Африци - село Мадиди, племе Цвана - отац Исајло Марковић | Madidi, South Africa

У новом путопису кроз Јужну Африку, отац Исајло Марковић нас води место Мадиди, у посету оцу Маркосу, локалном свештенику из племена Цвана и његовој породици и сиротишту за децу које је изградио на свом имању. Том приликом, отац Исајло је донео и икону Пресвете Богородице Тројеручице која је претходно освештана уз икону под називом Богородица - Заштитница Африке, која је стигла из Хиландара у цркву Светог Томе у Јоханесбургу 2018. године са благословом Његове Светости блаженопочившег патријарха Иринеја у пратњи садашњег епископа липљанског Доситеја.


Посета Мадидију из 2016. године:
Last Visit to The Madidi Township Thursday, 21st April, 2016, cool, cloudy and rainy day. Three members of The Circle of Serbian Sisters ' Kosovka Devojka', together with our priest, Father Isajlo, gathered together on the church grounds at around 13 hr. pm. setting up for the visit to the Madidi township's orphanage. Those were: Natasha Driver, Andjela Zecevic and Rozalija Radlovic. We packed the official car with all the goods we brought, groceries, clothes and a bag full of pretty packets of sweets and chocolates.We have been collecting donations in tin foods, frozen chicken and basic groceries for  some time now, and that enabled us to be fully prepared for this visit. The rain followed us all the way, some places harder. We were told that the children attend the local school till  14hr. pm, which was the reason we traveled in the afternoon. To our great surprise, the children we saw during our previous visit were no more there. Instead, a group of about twenty five smaller ones, were gathering around us in Father Marcus's shack, now obviously in a much worse state.The persistent rain seeped through the old roof. The place was cold, rather sad. During our travel, Father Markus and his wife, met us at the outskirts of the township, for they wanted to show us a beautiful piece of land, allocated for the building of his church. At last, there was a light at the end of the dark, long tunnel. The children were so excited when given our gifts, they could not  but indulge in the tasty goodies. Happiness was on their faces. After spending some time with Father Markus, discussing the problems and issues confronting them, we had to leave. How noble of that priest to care and provide roof over the heads of those orphaned children, together with his wife and daughter. Our cameras were full of  pictures of the smiling faces we met there, and our hearts content. We were happy to be able to, in our small way,lighten up the burden of the dedicated priest, even for a couple of weeks or so. We promised to be there for all of them, whenever possible. And so, we sat up on the road back home, glad that we have accomplished  our mission.

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